Can't think of what to do in Adelaide on the weekend? Every Friday we'll provide you with a "Friday Fantastic" idea!
Keen on orchestral music? Need an excuse to not have dinner with the in-laws?
Well, the Adelaide Youth Orchestra this weekend celebrates its 10th concert at the Adelaide Town Hall. What a perfect opportuinty to celebrate with them!
10 years ago, AdYO held its inaugural concert with a performance of Respighi's Pines of Rome. Now, they are welcoming home one of their most successful graduates, internationally acclaimed cellist Pei Sian Ng. Performance will include Tchaikovsky's Variations on a Rococo theme to celebrate their 10 years. Mmm, sounds spicy!
For further information and bookings, visit the SA site.
We wouldn't want you choking on your mother-in-laws overcooked T-bone steak now would we? We aim to please to find you any excuses for something else to do in Adelaide this weekend.
Whatever you do, be sure to let us know how your weekend went!
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