Can't think of what to do in Adelaide on the weekend? Every Friday we'll provide you with a "Friday Fantastic" idea!
How about just getting out there in this fine city of Adelaide and its suburbs and trying some new food from somewhere that you haven't been before?
Don't know where to go that is good? Well, there are so many different restaurants out there and surely a lot of you reading this would prefer a place near by to where you live. Well, you can visit somewhere close by, but we recommend venturing away out of the comfort zone of your local area.

For travelers to Australia, "grub" is an Aussie word for food, and Grubfinder is full of suggestions for a feed. They specialise in take away food, with current Adelaide menus numbering over 1000 different eateries. So if you got a hankering for your fave take out food, find somewhere new and support an Adelaide local by visiting Grubfinder.
If its too chilly for you this weekend to step foot outside, there are also plenty of places that can deliver to you, ya big lazy bums out there! Don't be lazy though, take friends or family out and put bums on seats.
Send us your going out photos via Twitter or email tork.southaust@gmail.com. We'd love to see you enjoying some Adelaide meals.
Have a great weekend, what ever you do.
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